Financial Services | Investment Banking & Asset Management
About UBS

UBS is the world's largest and only truly global wealth manager. We operate through four business divisions: Global Wealth Management, Personal & Corporate Banking, Asset Management and the Investment Bank. Our global reach and the breadth of our expertise are major assets that set us apart from our competitors. With more than 70,000 employees, we have a presence in all major financial centres in more than 50 countries.

We offer a collaborative, international and diverse working environment that rewards passion, commitment and success – and are regularly recognized as an attractive employer. Our promise to you is a career filled with opportunities to grow, alongside a team constantly looking to bring new value for our clients, in an environment of undoubted collaboration.

No matter where you are in your academic career, there are plenty of opportunities to learn about our businesses. We offer a wide range of opportunities from our internships and industrial placements through to our graduate talent programs. We take pride in attracting a wealth of diverse backgrounds into our programs.

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